Tuesday 7 May 2019

Hello new comers to canada...” I wanna give some advices to new comers who just came  to canada.
First of all they should aware all of important information about finance , tax system in canada and also some high light about health care system in canada.

They ought to do some extra ordinary work to understand some information about banking strategies in canada.How about going school or welcome centre where they will guide well about new finance system and tex return.

“I would recommend them to learn about sales tex here in canada there are two kind of sales tex, GST is goods and service tex while other is called PST provincial sales tex combined they called HST which is 13 % in Ontario. While GST= 5% & PST = 8% .

Property tex is also very informative task for the new comers because property tex is collected by government monthly or Quarterly after 3 monthes.The property tex is also paid by only owner of any property.It  can be paid by paying cheque in person or by pap pre authorised payment which can be done by city of Milton directly from your account.

1 comment:

  1. Raja - - I printed this on paper and showed you some corrections. I would like you to re-write it. I will give you the printed and corrected version tomorrow.


Hello new comers to canada...” I wanna give some advices to new comers who just came  to canada. First of all they should aware all of impo...